Katsunuma S, Honda H, Shinoda T, Ishimoto Y, Miyata T**, Kiyonari H, Abe T, Nibu K, Takai Y, Togashi H**. Synergistic action of nectins and cadherins generates the mosaic cellular pattern of the olfactory epithelium. J Cell Biol, 212, 561-575 (2016).

Kato K, Dong B, Wada H, Tanaka-Matakatsu M, Yagi Y, and Hayashi S**. Microtubule-dependent balanced cell contraction and luminal-matrix modification
accelerate epithelial tube fusion. Nat Commun.7:11141 (2016).
Oishi K, Aramaki, M,and Nakajima K**. Mutually repressive interaction between Brn1/2 and Rorb contributes to establishment of neocortical layer 2/3 and layer 4.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 113, 3371-3376 (2016).

Oishi K, Nakagawa N, Tachikawa K, Sasaki S, Aramaki M, Hirano S, Yamamoto N, Yoshimura Y and Nakajima K**. Identity of neocortical layer 4 neurons is specified through correct positioning into the cortex. eLife,12;5 (2016)

Kuroda S, Takagi S, Nakagaki, T and Ueda, T Allometry in Physarum plasmodium during free locomotion: size versus shape, speed and rhythm. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218, 3729-3738 (2015).

Rieu, J-P, Delano-Ayari, H, Takagi, S, Tanaka, Y and Nakagaki, Y Periodic traction in migrating large amoeba of Physarum Polycephalum. J. R. Soc. Interface, 12, 20150099 (2015).

Ishibashi M, Miyanaga Y, Matsuoka S, Kozuka J, Togashi Y, Kinashi T** and Ueda M.** Integrin LFA-1 regulates cell adhesion via transient clutch formation,” Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun., 464: 459-466 (2015).

Watabe M, Arjunan SNV, Fukushima S, Iwamoto K, Kozuka J, Matsuoka S, Shindo Y, Ueda M.**, Takahashi K. A computational framework for bioimaging simulation,
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Komatsuzaki A, Ohyanagi T, Tsukasaki Y, Miyanaga Y, Ueda M** and Jin T. Compact Halo-Ligand Conjugated Quantum Dots for Multicolored Single-Molecule Imaging of Overcrowding GPCR Proteins on Cell Membrane.
Small 11: 1396-1401 (2015).

Suzuki T, Osumi N, Wakamatsu Y**. Identification of the neural crest-specific enhancer of Seraf gene in avian peripheral nervous system development. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun, 467, 1103-1109 (2015).

Watanabe M*, Sawada R, Aramaki T, Skerrett IMand Kondo S. The physiological characterization of Connexin41.8 and Connexin39.4, which are involved in the stripe pattern formation of zebrafish
J. Biol. Chem ,291,1053-1063, 2106.

Yama K, Matsumoto Y, Murakami Y, Seno S, Matsuda H, Gotoh K, Motooka D, Nakamura S, Ying BW**, Yomo T* . Functional specialization in regulation and quality control in thermal adaptive evolution.
Genes Cells , doi: 10.1111/gtc.12298. [Epub ahead of print]

Ying BW**, Matsumoto Y, Kitahara K, Suzuki S, Ono N, Furusawa C, Kishimoto T, Yomo T* . Bacterial transcriptome reorganization in thermal adaptive evolution.
BMC Genomics .,16: 802 (2015).

Ying BW**, Honda T, Tsuru S, Seno S, Matsuda H, Kazuta Y, Yomo T*. Evolutionary consequence of a trade-off between growth and maintenance along with ribosomal damages.
PLoS ONE, 10: 0135639 (2015).

Kishimoto T, Ying BW+**, Tsuru S, Iijima L ,Suzuki S, Hashimoto T, Oyake A, Kobayashi H, Someya Y, Narisawa D, Yomo T*. Molecular clock of neutral mutations in a fitness-increasing evolutionary process. (+equal contribution)
PLoS Genet., 11: 1005392 (2015).

Sugihara K#, Nishiyama K#,**, Fukuhara S*, Uemura A*, Arima S, Kobayashi R, Kohn-Luque A, Mochizuki N, Suda T, Ogawa H, Kurihara H*. #These authors contributed equally to this work. Autonomy and non-autonomy of angiogenic cell movements revealed by experiment-driven mathematical modeling. Cell Reports, 1;13,1814-1827, 2015..
Ishii K, Kubo K, Endo T, Yoshida K, Benner S, Ito Y, Aizawa H, Aramaki M, Yamanaka A, Tanaka K, Takata N, Tanaka KF, Mimura M, Tohyama C, Kakeyama M and Nakajima K**. Neuronal heterotopias affect the activities of distant brain areas and lead to behavioral deficits.
J. Neurosci., 35:12432-12445 (2015).

Kanatani S*, Honda T, Aramaki M*, Hayashi K, Kubo K, Ishida M, Tanaka DH*, Kawauchi T, Sekine K, Kusuzawa S, Kawasaki T, Hirata T, Tabata H*, Uhlen P and Nakajima K**. The COUP-TFII/Neuropilin-2 is a molecular switch steering diencephalon-derived GABAergic neurons in the developing mouse brain.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 112:E4985-4994 (2015).

Nagayama K**, Saito S and Matsumoto T. Multiphasic stress relaxation response of freshly isolated and cultured vascular smooth muscle cells measured by quasi-in situ tensile test.
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 25: 299-312 (2015) .

Nagayama K**, Hamaji Y, Sato Y and Matsumoto T. Mechanical trapping of the nucleus on micropillared surfaces inhibits the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells but not cervical cancer HeLa cells.
Journal of Biomechanics, 48:1796-1803 (2015) .

Hashimoto H, Yuasa S, Tabata H*, Seki T, Tohyama S, Hayashiji N, Hattori F, Kusumoto D, Kunitomi A, Takei M, Kashimura S, Yozu G, Shimojima M, Motoda C, Muraoka N, Nakajima K**, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A and Fukuda K. Analysis of cardiomyocyte movement in the developing murine heart .
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., pii: S0006-291X(15)30267-30269 (2015) .

Ajioka I**1#, Jinnou H#, Okada K, Sawada M, Saitoh S and Sawamoto K**1. Enhancement of neuroblast migrationinto the injured cerebral cortex using laminin-containing porous sponge. (1 co-corresponding author, #co-first author)
Tissue Eng Part A, 21, 193-201 (2015) .

Komuro Y, Galas L, Lebon A, Raoult E, Fahrion JK, Tilot A, Kumada T**, Ohno N, Vaudry D and Komuro H. The role of calcium and cyclic nucleotide signaling in cerebellar granule cell migration under normal and pathological conditions.
Dev Neurobiol., 75: 369-387 (2015) .

Sugo N**1, Morimatsu M, Arai Y, Kousoku Y, Ohkuni A, Nomura T, Yanagida T and Yamamoto N1. Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals Dynamics of CREB Transcription Factor Bound to Its Target Sequence. (1corresponding author)
Sci. Rep., 5:10662 (2015) .

Kai M, Ueno N and Kinoshita N**1. Phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination of paraxial protocadherin (PAPC) controls gastrulation cell movements. (1corresponding author)
PLoS ONE 10(1):e0115111 (2015) .

Nagai H, Sezaki M, Kakiguchi K, Nakaya Y, Lee HC, Ladher R, Sasanami T, Han JY, Yonemura S** and Sheng G1. 2015 Cellular analysis of cleavage-stage chick embryos reveals hidden conservation in vertebrate early development. (1corresponding author)
Development, 142: 1279-1286 (2015) .

Murai H, Tadokoro R**†, Sakai K and Takahashi Y. In ovo gene manipulation of melanocytes and their adjacent keratinocytes during skin pigmentation of chicken embryos. (†equal contribution)
Development Growth and Differentiation, 57:232-241 (2015) .

Takahashi T, Takase Y, Yoshino T, Saito D, Tadokoro R** and Takahashi Y. Angiogenesis in the Developing Spinal Cord: Blood Vessel Exclusion from Neural Progenitor Region Is Mediated by VEGF and Its Antagonists.
PLoS One, 10:e0116119 (2015) .

Takatsuru Y**1, Nabekura J, Ishikawa T, Kohsaka J and Koibuchi N. Early-life stress increases the motility of microglia in adulthood. (1corresponding author)
J.Physiol.Sci., 65:187-194 (2015) .

Morita R, Kihira M, Nakatsu Y, Nomoto Y, Ogawa M, Ohashi K, Mizuno K, Tachikawa T, Ishimoto Y, Morishita Y** and Tsuji T**1. Coordination of cellular dynamics contributes to tooth epithelium deformations. (1corresponding author)
Nature Cell Biology, in press.
Shida H, Mende M, Takano-Yamamoto T, Osumi N, Streit A and Wakamatsu Y**. Otic placode cell specification and proliferation are regulated by Notch signaling in avian development.
Dev. Dyn., 244: 839-851 (2015).

Honda T and Nakajima K**. Proper level of cytosolic Disabled-1, which is regulated by dual nuclear translocation pathways, is important for cortical neuronal migration.
Cereb. Cortex, pii: bhv162. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).

Otani T, Oshima K, Kimpara A, Takeda M, Abdu U, Hayashi S**. A transport and retention mechanism for the sustained distal localization of Spn-F–IKKε during Drosophila bristle elongation.
Development, doi:10.1242/dev.121863 (2015).

Hannezo E, Dong B, Recho P, Joanny J-F, Hayashi S**. Cortical instability drives periodic supracellular actin pattern formation in epithelial tubes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, doi:10.1073/pnas.1504762112 (2015).

Dong B and Hayashi S**. Shaping of biological tubes by mechanical interaction of cell and extracellular matrix.
Curr Opin Genet Dev., 32:129–134 (2015).

Kondo T and Hayashi S**. Mechanisms of cell height changes that mediate epithelial invagination.
Development growth & differentiation, 57:313–323 (2015).

Matsui T**1, Ishikawa H and Bessho Y. Cell collectivity regulation within migrating cell cluster during Kupffer’s vesicle formation in zebrafish. (1Corresponding author)
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 3: 27 (2015).

Kim HS and Nishiwaki K**. Control of the basement membrane and cell migration by ADAMTS proteinases: Lessons from C. elegans genetics.
Matrix Biol., 44-46C:64-69 (2015).

Kuriyama S**, Yoshida M, Yano S, Aiba N, Kohno T, Minamiya Y, Goto A and Tanaka M. LPP inhibits collective cell migration during lung cancer dissemination.
Oncogene ,doi: 10.1038/onc.2015.155. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).

Tabata H*. Diverse subtypes of astrocytes and their development during corticogenesis.
Fron. Neurosci., 9: 114 (2015).

Inaguma Y, Ito H, Hara A, Iwamoto I, Matsumoto A, Yamagata T, Tabata H* and Nagata K. Morphological characterization of mammalian Timeless in the mouse brain development.
Neurosci. Res., 92:21-28 (2015).

Mizuno M, Matsumoto A, Hamada N, Ito H, Miyauchi A, Jimbo EF, Momoi MY, Tabata H*, Yamagata T and Nagata K. Role of an adaptor protein Lin-7B in brain development: possible involvement in autism spectrum disorders.
J. Neurochem., 132:61-69 (2015).

Morishita Y**, Kuroiwa A and Suzuki T**. Quantitative analysis of tissue deformation dynamics reveals three characteristic growth modes and globally aligned anisotropic tissue deformation during chick limb development.
Development, pii: dev.109728. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).

Hayashi K, Kubo K, Kitazawa A and Nakajima K**. Cellular dynamics of neuronal migration in the hippocampus.
Front.Neurosci., 9:135. doi: 10.3389/fnins (2015).

Komatsuzaki A, Ohyanagi T, Tsukasaki Y, Miyanaga Y, Ueda M** and Jin T. Compact Halo-Ligand Conjugated Quantum Dots for Multicolored Single-Molecule Imaging of Overcrowding GPCR Proteins on Cell Membrane.
Small. (doi: 10.1002/smll.201402508) (2015).

Kohno T1, Honda T1, Kubo K1, Nakano Y, Tsuchiya A, Murakami T, Banno H, Nakajima K**# and Hattori M#. Importance of Reelin C-terminal region in the development and maintenance of the postnatal cerebral cortex and its regulation by specific proteolysis. ( 1co-first authors ;#corresponding authors. These authors contributed equally to this work )
J. Neurosci., 35:4776-4787 (2015).

Matsuda M, Koga M, Woltjen K, Nishida E & Ebisuya M**. Synthetic lateral inhibition governs cell-type bifurcation with robust ratios.
Nat. Commun., 6:6195, doi:10.1038/ncomms7195 (2015).

‡Mamada H, ‡Sato T**, Ota M and Sasaki H. Cell competition in mouse NIH3T3 embryonic fibroblasts controlled by Tead activity and Myc. (‡Equal contribution)
J Cell Sci., pii: jcs.163675. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).

Murakami Y, Matsumoto Y, Tsuru S, Ying BW**, Yomo T*. Global coordination in adaptation to gene rewiring.
Nucleic Acids Res., pii: gku1366. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).

Ishizawa Y, Ying BW**, Tsuru S, Yomo T*. Nutrient-dependent growth defects and mutability of mutators in Escherichia coli.
Genes Cells., 20:68-76 (2015).

‡Mizuta K, ‡Sakabe M**1, Ioka T, Hashimoto A, Ioka T, Sakai C, Okumura K, Hattammaru M, Fujita M, Araki M, Somekawa S, Saito and Nakagawa O1. Impairment of endothelial-mesenchymal transformation during atrioventriucular cushion formation in Tmem100 null embryo. (‡These authors contributed equally; 1corresponding authors)
Dev. Dyn., 244:31-42 (2015).

Takaki Miyata**, Mayumi Okamoto*, Tomoyasu Shinoda* and Ayano Kawaguchi*. Interkinetic nuclear migration generates and opposes ventricular-zone crowding: insight into tissue mechanics.
Front. Cell. Neurosci., 28:473 (2015).

Kikuchi T, Shibata Y, Kim H.-S, Kubota Y, Yoshina S, Mitani S and Nishiwaki K**. The BED finger domain protein MIG-39 halts migration of distal tip cells in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Dev. Biol., 397:151-161 (2015).

Kunita, I, Kuroda, S, Ooki, K and Nakagaki, T Attempts to retreat from a dead-ended long capillary by backward swimming in Paramecium. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 270, 1-8, 2014

Kuroda, S, Kunita,I, Tanaka, Y, Ishiguro, A, Ryo Kobayashi, R and Nakagaki, T Common mechanics of mode switching in locomotion of limbless and legged animals. Journal of Royal Society Interface, 11, 20140205, 2014.

Matsuda T** and Nagai T*1. Quantitative measurement of intracellular protein dynamics using photobleaching or photoactivation of fluorescent proteins. (1corresponding authors)
Microscopy, 63: 403-408 (2014).

Takemoto K, Matsuda T**, Sakai N, Fu D, Noda M, Uchiyama S, Kotera I, Arai Y, Horiuchi M, Fukui K, Ayabe T, Inagaki F, Suzuki H, Nagai T*1. SuperNova, a monomeric photosensitizing fluorescent protein for chromophore-assisted light inactivation. (1corresponding authors)
Sci Rep., 3: 2629 (2014).

Taoka A**, Eguchi Y, Mise S, Oestreicher Z, Uno F and Fukumori Y1. A magnetosome-associated cytochrome MamP is critical for magnetite crystal growth during the exponential growth phase. (1corresponding authors)
FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 358:21-29 (2014).

Taoka A**†, Kondo J†, Oestreicher Z and Fukumori Y1 . Characterization of uncultured giant rod-shaped magnetotactic Gammaproteobacteria from a fresh water pond in Kanazawa, Japan. (1corresponding authors, †equal contribution)
Microbiology , 160:2226-2234 (2014).

Qian T, Chen R, Nakamura M, Furukawa T, Kumada T**, Akita T, Kilb W, Luhmann HJ, Nakahara D and Fukuda A*1. Activity-dependent endogenous taurine release facilitates excitatory neurotransmission in the neocortical marginal zone of neonatal rats. (1corresponding author)
Front Cell Neurosci., 10; 8:33 (2014).

Wang T, Kumada T**, Morishima T, Iwata S, Kaneko T, Yanagawa Y, Yoshida S and Fukuda A*. Accumulation of GABAergic neurons, causing a focal ambient GABA gradient, and downregulation of KCC2 are induced during microgyrus formation in a mouse model of polymicrogyria.
Cereb. Cortex, 24: 1088-1101 (2014).

Nakai T, Nagai T, Tanaka M, Itoh N, Asai N, Enomoto A**, Asai M, Yamada S, Saifullah MAB, Sokabe M, Takahashi M* and Yamada K1. Girdin phosphorylation is crucial for synaptic plasticity and memory: a potential role in the interaction of BDNF/TrkB/Akt signaling with NMDA receptor. (1corresponding author)
J Neurosci., 34:14995-145008 (2014).

Weng L, Enomoto A**1, Miyoshi H, Takahashi K, Asai N, Morone N, Jiang P, An J, Kato T*, Kuroda K, Watanabe T, Asai M, Ishida-Takagishi M, Murakumo Y, Nakashima H, Kaibuchi K and Takahashi M*1. Regulation of Cargo-Selective Endocytosis by Dynamin 2 GTPase-Activating Protein Girdin. (1corresponding author)
EMBO J, 33:2098-2112 (2014).

Han YP, Ma CK, Wang SQ, Enomoto A**, Zhao Y, Takahashi M*1 and Ma J1. Evaluation of osteopontin as a potential biomarker for central nervous system embryonal tumors. (1corresponding author)
J Neurooncol, 119:343-351 (2014).

Ota H, Hikita T, Sawada M, Nishioka T, Matsumoto M, Komura M, Ohno A, Kamiya Y, Miyamoto T, Asai N, Enomoto A**, Takahashi M*, Kaibuchi K, Sobue K and Sawamoto K1. Speed control for neuronal migration in the postnatal brain by Gmip-mediated local inactivation of RhoA. (1corresponding author)
Nat Commun., 5:4532 (2014).

Kato T*, Enomoto A**, Watanabe T, Haga H, Ishida S, Kondo Y, Furukawa K, Urano T, Mii S*, Weng L, Ishida-Takagishi M, Asai M, Asai N, Kaibuchi K, Murakumo Y, Takahashi M*1. TRIM27/MRTF-B-Dependent Integrin β1 Expression Defines Leading Cells in Cancer Cell Collectives. (1corresponding author)
Cell Rep., 7:1156-1167 (2014).

Niimi K, Murakumo Y, Watanabe N, Kato T, Mii S, Enomoto A**, Asai M, Asai N, Yamamoto E, Kajiyama H, Shibata K, Kikkawa F and Takahashi M*1. Suppression of REV7 enhances cisplatin sensitivity in ovarian clear cell carcinoma cells. (1corresponding author)
Cancer Sci., 105:545-552 (2014).

Miyachi H, Mii S, Enomoto A**, Murakumo Y, Kato T*, Asai N, Komori K and Takahashi M*1. Role of Girdin in intimal hyperplasia in vein grafts and efficacy of atelocollagen-mediated application of small interfering RNA for vein graft failure. (1corresponding author)
J Vasc Surg, 60:479-489 (2014).

Saito S, Shimizu H, Yisireyili M, Nishijima F, Enomoto A**, Niwa T1. Indoxyl sulfate-induced activation of (pro)renin receptor is involved in expression of TGF-β1 and α-smooth muscle actin in proximal tubular cells. (1corresponding author)
Endocrinology, 155:1899-1907 (2014).

Yonemura S**1. Differential sensitivity of epithelial cells to extracellular matrix in polarity establishment. (1corresponding author)
PLoS One, 9(11):e112922. (2014).

Tsukasaki Y, Miyazaki N, Matsumoto A, Nagae S, Yonemura S**, Tanoue T, Iwasaki K and Takeichi M1. Giant cadherins Fat and Dachsous self-bend to organize properly spaced intercellular junctions. (1corresponding author)
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 111:16011-16016 (2014).

Sai XR, Yonemura S** and Ladher R1. Junctionally restricted RhoA activity is necessary for apical constriction during phase 2 inner ear placode invagination. (1corresponding author)
Dev Biol., 394: 206-216 (2014).

Assawachananont J, Mandai M, Okamoto S, Yamada C, Eiraku M, Yonemura S**, Sasai Y and Takahashi M1. Transplantation of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived 3D retinal sheets into retinal degenerative mice. (1corresponding author)
Stem Cell Reports, 2:662-674. (2014).

Toya S, Takatsuru Y**1, Kokubo M, Amano I, Shimokawa N and Koibuchi N. Early-life-stress affects the homeostasis of glutamatergic synapses. (1corresponding author)
Eur. J. Neurosci., 40:3627-3634 (2014).

Ito H, Morishita R, Tabata H* and Nagata K. Roles of Rho small GTPases in the tangentially migrating neurons.
Histol.Histopathol., 29: 871-879 (2014).

Inaguma Y, Hamada N, Tabata H*, Iwamoto I, Mizuno M, Nishimura YV, Ito H, Morishita R, Suzuki M, Ohno K, Kumagai T and Nagata K. SIL1, a causative cochaperone gene of Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome, plays an essential role in establishing the architecture of the developing cerebral cortex.
EMBO Mol. Med., 6: 414-429 (2014).

Cai H, Katoh-Kurasawa M, Muramoto T, Santhanam B, Long Y, Li L, Ueda M**, Iglesias PA, Shaulsky G and Devreotes PN. Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of a GATA transcription factor functions as a development timer.
Science, 343 (6177): 1249531. doi: 10.1126/science.1249531. (2014).

Yasui M, Matsuoka S and Ueda M**. PTEN hopping on the cell membrane is regulated via a positively-charged C2 domain.
PLoS Computational Biology. 10: e1003817. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003817 (2014).

(Faculty of 1000 Biologyに選出された.)
Fukuda T, Kominami K, Wang S, Togashi H**, Hirata K, Mizoguchi A, Rikitake Y and Takai Y. Aberrant cochlear hair cell attachments caused by Nectin-3 deficiency result in hair bundle abnormalities.
Development., 141:399-409 (2014).

Yoshida M, Tsuru S, Hirata N, Seno S, Matsuda H, Ying BW**, Yomo T*. Directed evolution of cell size in Escherichia coli.
BMC Evol Biol., 14:257 (2014).

Akeno Y, Ying BW**, Tsuru S, Yomo T*. A reduced genome decreases the host carrying capacity for foreign DNA.
Microb Cell Fact., 13:49 (2014).

Sato N**, Katsumata Y, Sato K and Tajima N. Cellular Dynamics Drives the Emergence of Supracellular Structure in the Cyanobacterium, Phormidium sp. KS.
Life, 4:819-836 (2014).

‡Morioka T, ‡Sakabe M**1, Ioka T, Iguchi T, Mizuta K, Hattammaru M, Sakai C, Itoh M, Sato GE, Hashimoto A, Fujita M, Okumura K, Araki M, Xin M, Pederson RA, Utset MF, Kimura H and Nakagawa O1. An important role of endothelial Hairy-related transcription factors in mouse vascular development. (‡These authors contributed equally; 1corresponding authors)
Genesis, 52:897-906 (2014).

Nishikimi A, Ishihara S, Ozawa M, Etoh K, Fukuda M, Kinashi T** and Katagiri K**. Rab13 acts downstream of the kinase Mst1 to deliver the integrin LFA-1 to the cell surface for lymphocyte trafficking.
Sci. Signal., 7: ra72 (2014).

Hiraiwa T, Nagamatsu A, Akuzawa N, Nishikawa M and Shibata T**. Relevance of intracellular polarity to accuracy of eukaryotic chemotaxis.
Phys. Biol., 11, 056002 doi:10.1088/1478-3975/11/5/056002 (2014).

Nakajima A, Ishihara S, Imoto D and Sawai S**. Rectified directional sensing in long-range cell migration.
Nature Communications 5, 5367 doi:10.1038/ncomms6367 (2014).

Dong B, Miao G and Hayashi S**. A fat body-derived apical extracellular matrix enzyme is transported to the tracheal lumen and is required for tube morphogenesis in Drosophila.
Development, 141:4104-4109 (2014).

Miao G and Hayashi S**. Manipulation of gene expression by infrared laser heat shock and its application to the study of tracheal development in Drosophila.
Dev Dyn., doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24192. [Epub ahead of print] (2014).

Fujimuro T, Matsui T**, Nitanda Y, Matta T, Sakumura Y, Saito M, Kohno K, Nakahata Y and Bessho Y. Hes7 3’UTR is required for somite segmentation function.
Scientific Reports, 4: 6462 (2014).

Matsubara Y, Sakai A, Kuroiwa A and Suzuki T**. Efficient embryonic culture method for the Japanese striped snake, Elaphe quadrivirgata, and its early developmental stages.
Dev. Growth Differ., 56(8):573-582 (2014).

Huynen L, Suzuki T**, Ogura T, Watanabe Y, Millar CD, Hofreiter M, Smith C, Mirmoeini S and Lambert DM. Reconstruction and in vivo analysis of the extinct tbx5 gene from ancient wingless moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes).
BMC Evol Biol., 75:1471-2148 (2014).

Morishita Y** and Suzuki T**. Bayesian inference of whole-organ deformation dynamics from limited space-time point data.
J. Theor. Biol., 357:74-85 (2014).

Takeuchia M, Matsudab K, Yamaguchib S, Asakawac K, Miyasakad N, Lalc P, Yoshiharad Y, Kogae A, Kawakamic K, Shimizua T and Hibi M**. Establishment of Gal4 transgenic zebrafish lines for analysis of development of cerebellar neural circuitry.
Dev Biol., pii: S0012-1606(14)00499-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio [Epub ahead of print] (2014).

Nagao Y, Suzuki T, Shimizu A, Kimura T, Seki R, Adachi T, Inoue C, Omae Y, Hara I, Taniguchi Y, Naruse K, Wakamatsu Y, Kelsh RN, Hibi M** and Hashimoto H. Sox5 functions as a fate switch in medaka pigement cell development.
PLoS Genet., 10(4):e1004246 (2014).

Hirota Y, Kubo K, Katayama K, Honda T, Fujino T, Yamamoto TT and Nakajima K**. Reelin receptors ApoER2 and VLDLR are expressed in distinct spatio-temporal patterns in developing mouse cerebral cortex.
J. Comp. Neurol., doi: 10.1002/cne.23691 (2014).

Maintenance of cell fates through acetylated histone and the histone variant H2A.z in C. elegans. Shibata Y and Nishiwaki K**.
Worm, 3:e29048. doi: 10.4161/worm.29048. eCollection (2014).

Arita Y, Nakaoka Y, Matsunaga T, Kidoya H, Yamamizu K, Arima Y,Kataoka-Hashimoto T, Ikeoka K, Yasui T, Masaki T, Yamamoto K, Higuchi K, Park J-S, Shirai M, Nishiyama K**, Yamagishi H, Otsu K, Kurihara H *, Minami T, Yamauchi-Takihara K, Koh GY, Mochizuki N, Takakura N, Sakata Y, Yamashita JK and Komuro I. Myocardium-derived angiopoietin-1 is essential for coronary vein formation in the developing heart.
Nat.Commun., 5, 4552, doi: 10.1038/ncomms5552 (2014).

Nishimura YV, Shikanai M, Hoshino M, Ohshima T, Nabeshima Y, Mizutani K, Nagata K, Nakajima K** and Kawauchi T. Cdk5 and its substrates, Dcx and p27kip1, regulate cytoplasmic dilation formation and nuclear elongation in migrating neurons.
Development, 141:3540-3550 (2014).

Wakamatsu Y**, Nomura T, Osumi N and Suzuki K. Comparative gene expression analyses reveal heterochrony for Sox9 expression in the cranial neural crest during marsupial development.
Evol Dev., 16: 197-206 (2014).

Hatakeyama J, Wakamatsu Y**, Nagafuchi A, Kageyama R, Shigemoto R and Shimamura K. Cadherin-based adhesions in the apical endfoot are required for active Notch signaling to control neurogenesis in vertebrates.
Development, 141: 1671-1682 (2014).

Kuriyama S**, Theveneau E, Benedetto A, Parsons M, Tanaka M, Charras G, Kabla A, Mayor R. In vivo collective cell migration requires an LPAR2-dependent increase in tissue fluidity.
J Cell Biol., 206:113-127 (2014).

Satoyoshi R, Kuriyama S**, Aiba N, Yashiro M, Tanaka M. Asporin activates coordinated invasion of scirrhous gastric cancer and cancer-associated fibroblasts.
Oncogene., doi: 10.1038/onc.2013.584. [Epub ahead of print] (2014).

Huang T-F, Cho C-Y, Cheng Y-T, Huang J-W, Wu Y-Z, Yeh A. Y-C, Nishiwaki K**, Chang S-C and Wu Y-C. BLMP-1/Blimp-1 Regulates the Spatiotemporal Cell Migration Pattern in C. elegans.
PLoS Genetics, 10(6): e1004428 (2014).

Nishita M**#, Qiao S, Miyamoto M, Okinaka Y, Yamada M, Hashimoto R, Iijima K, Otani H, Hartmann C, Nishinakamura R**, Minami Y#. Role of Wnt5a-Ror2 signaling in morphogenesis of the metanephric mesenchyme during ureteric budding. (#co-corresponding authors)
Mol. Cell. Biol., pii: MCB.00491-14. [Epub ahead of print] (2014).

Doi R, Endo M, Yamakoshi K, Yamanashi Y, Nishita M**, Fukada SI, Minami Y. Critical role of Frizzled1 in age-related alterations of Wnt/beta-catenin signal in myogenic cells during differentiation.
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Sekine K, Kubo K, and Nakajima K**. How does Reelin control neuronal migration and layer formation in the developing mammalian neocortex?
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Hashimoto H, Yuasa S, Tabata H*, Tohyama S, Hayashiji N, Hattori F, Muraoka N, Egashira T, Okata S, Yae K, Seki T, Nishiyama T, Nakajima K**, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A and Fukuda K. Time-lapse imaging of cell cycle dynamics during development in living cardiomyocyte.
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Ito T, Komeima K, Yasuma T, Enomoto A**, Asai N, Asai M, Iwase S, Takahashi M*and Terasaki H1. Girdin and its phosphorylation dynamically regulate neonatal vascular development and pathological neovascularization in the retina. (1corresponding author)
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Nakazawa H, Sada T, Toriyama M, Tago K, Sugiura T, Fukuda M and Inagaki N**. Rab33a mediates anterograde vesicular transport for membrane exocytosis and axon outgrowth.
Journal of Neuroscience, 32(37), 12712-12725 (2012).

Matsui T**1, Sasaki A, Akazawa N, Otani H and Bessho Y. Celf1 regulation of dmrt2a is required for somite symmetry and left-right patterning during zebrafish development (1Corresponding author)
Development, 139(19), 3553-3560 (2012).

Shibata T**, Nishikawa M, Matsuoka S and Ueda M**. Modeling the self-organized phosphatidylinositol lipid signaling system in chemotactic cells using quantitative image analysis.
Journal of Cell Science, 125: 5138-5150 (2012).

Yoshinaga S, Ohkubo T, Sasaki S, Nuriya M, Ogawa Y*, Yasui M, Tabata H* and Nakajima K**. A phosphatidylinositol lipids system, Lamellipodin and Ena/VASP regulate dynamic morphology of multipolar migrating cells in the developing cerebral cortex.
J. Neurosci., 32 (34), 11643-11656 (2012).

Onodera Y, Nam JM, Hashimoto A, Norman JC, Shirato H, Hashimoto S**, Sabe H. Rab5c promotes AMAP1-PRKD2 complex formation to enhance β1 integrin recycling in EGF-induced cancer invasion.
J Cell Biol., 197(7), 983-996 (2012).

Tsujioka M, Yumura S, Inouye K, Patel H, Ueda M** and Yonemura S**. Talin couples the actomyosin cortex to the plasma membrane during rear retraction and cytokinesis.
Proc. Natl. Acad. USA, 109:12992-12997 (2012).

Nakano T, Ando S, Takata N, Kawada M, Muguruma K**, Sekiguchi K, Saito K, Yonemura S**, Eiraku M and Sasai Y. Self-formation of optic cups and storable stratified neural retina from human ESCs.
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Yamashita H†, Taoka A**†, Uchihashi T, Asano T, Ando T, Fukumori Y. Single molecule imaging on living bacterial cell surface by high-speed AFM. (†H.Y. and A.T. contributed equally to this work.)
Journal of Molecular Biology, 422(2), 300-309 (2012).

Gonda Y, Andrews WD, Tabata H*, Namba T, Parnavelas JG, Nakajima K**, Kohsaka S, Hanashima C and Uchino S. Robo1 regulates the migration and laminar distribution of upper-layer pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex.
Cereb. Cortex, [Epub ahead of print]

Suzuki M**, Morita H and Ueno N*. Molecular mechanisms of cell shape changes that contribute to vertebrate neural tube closure.
Dev. Growth Differ., 54(3), 266-276 (2012).

Toyoshima K, Asakawa K, Ishibashi N, Toki H, Ogawa M, Hasegawa T, Irue T, Tachikawa T, Sato A, Takeda A and Tsuji T**. Fully functional hair follicle regeneration through the rearrangement of stem cells and their niches.
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Nishimura SI, Ueda M** and Sasai M. Non-Brownian dynamics and strategy of amoeboid cell locomotion.
Physical Review E, 85, 041909 (2012).

Muguruma K** and Sasai Y. In vitro recapitulation of neural development using embryonic stem cells: From neurogenesis to histogenesis.
Dev. Growth Differ., 54(3), 349-357 (2012).

Xie M-J, Yagi H, Kuroda K, Wang C-C, Komada M, Zhao H, Sakakibara A*, Miyata T**, Nagata k, Iguchi T and Sato M. WAVE2-Abi2 complexcontrols growth cone activity and regulates the multipolar-bipolar transitionas well as the initiation of glia-guided migration.
Cereb.Cortex, [Epub ahead of print]

Matsui T1** and Bessho Y. (1Corresponding author). Left-right asymmetry in zebrafish.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, [Epub ahead of print]

Kusuzawa S, Honda T, Fukata Y, Fukata M, Kanatani S*, Tanaka D.H*, and Nakajima K**. Leucine-rich glioma inactivated1(Lgi1), an epilepsy-related secreted protein, has a nuclear localization signal and localizes both to the cytoplasm and nucleus of the caudal ganglionic eminence neurons.
Eur. J. Neurosci., 36(3), 2284-2292 (2012).

Nochi R, Kato T, Kaneko J, Itou Y, Kuribayashi H, Fukuda S, Terazono Y, Matani A, Kanatani S*, Nakajima K**, and Hisatsune T. Involvement of mGluR5-signaling in activity-related proliferation of adult hippocampal neural stem cells.
Eur. J. Neurosci., [Epub ahead of print]

Tanaka D.H* and Nakajima K**. GABAergic interneuron migration and the evolution of the neocortex.
Dev. Growth Differ., 54(3), 366-372 (2012).

Kubota Y, Nagata K, Sugimoto A, and Nishiwaki K**. Tissue Architecture in the Caenorhabditis elegans Gonad Depends on Interactions among Fibulin-1, Type IV Collagen and the ADAMTS Extracellular protease.
Genetics., 190, 1379-1388 (2012).

Tanaka D.H* and Nakajima K**. Migratory Pathways of GABAergic interneurons when they enter the neocortex.
Eur. J. Neurosci.,35(11), 1655-1660 (2012).

Kim H-S, Nishiwaki K**. Nuclear positioning in the gonadal distal tip cells of C. elegans.
Worm, 1, 112-115 (2012).

Obata Y, Takahashi D, Ebisawa M, Kakiguchi K, Yonemura S**, Jinnohara T, Kanaya T, Fujimura Y, Ohmae M, Hase K, Ohno H. Epithelial cell-intrinsic notch signaling plays an essential role in the maintenance of gut immune homeostasis.
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Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Kukimoto-Niino M, Mishima-Tsumagari C, Akasaka R, Ohsawa N, Sekine SI, Ito T, Tochio N, Koshiba S, Kigawa T, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Nishikimi A, Uruno T, Katakai T, Kinashi T**, Kohda D, Fukui Y**, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for mutual relief of the Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK2 and its partner ELMO1 from their autoinhibited forms.
Proc. Natl. Acad. USA., 109, 3305-3310 (2012).

Tabata H*, Yoshinaga S, and Nakajima K**. Cytoarchitecture of mouse and human subventricular zone in developing cerebral neocortex.
Exp. Brain Res., 216, 161-168 (2012).

Yoshiura S**, Ohta N, and Matsuzaki F. Tre1 GPCR signaling orients stem cell divisions in the Drosophila central nervous system.
Dev Cell, 22, 79-91 (2012).

Katagiri K**, Kinashi T**. Rap1 and integrin inside-out signaling.
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Natsume A1, Kato T, Kinjo S, Enomoto A**, Toda H, Shimato S, Ohka F, Motomura K, Kondo Y, Miyata T, Takahashi M* and Wakabayashi T. Girdin maintains the stemness of glioblastoma stem cells. (1corresponding author)
Oncogene, 31, 2715-2724 (2012).

Yang L1, Matsuda T**, Raviraj V, Ching YW, Braet F, Nagai T*, Soon LL1. Imaging the dynamics of intracellular protein translocation by photoconversion of phamret-cybr/ROM. (1corresponding authors)
J Microsc., 242: 250-261 (2011).

Wang Y, Kaneko N, Asai N, Enomoto A**, Isotani-Sakakibara M, Kato T, Asai M, Murakumo Y, Ota H, Hikita T, Namba T, Kuroda K, Kaibuchi K, Ming GL, Song H, Sawamoto K and Takahashi M*1. Girdin is an intrinsic regulator of neuroblast chain migration in the rostral migratory stream of the postnatal brain. (1corresponding author)
J Neurosci., 31:8109-8122 (2011).

Bower DV, Sato Y** and Lansford R1. Dynamic lineage analysis of embryonic morphogenesis using transgenic quail and 4D multispectral imaging. (1corresponding author)
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Inada H, Watanabe M**, Uchida T, Ishibashi H, Wake H, Nemoto T, Yanagawa Y, Fukuda A and Nabekura J. GABA regulates the multidirectional tangential migration of GABAergic interneurons in living neonatal mice.
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Eto K, Wake H, Watanabe M**, Ishibashi H, Noda M, Yanagawa Y and Nabekura J. Inter-regional contribution of enhanced activity of the primary somatosensory cortex to the anterior cingulated cortex accelerates chronic pain behavior.
Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 7631-7636 (2011).

Ogino H, Azuma Y, Hosoyama A, Nakazawa A, Matsutani M, Hasegawa A**, Otsuyama K, Matsushita K, Fujita N, and Shirai M. Complete genome sequence of NBRC 3288, a unique cellulose-nonproducing strain of Gluconacetobacter xylinus isolated from vinegar.
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Hayashi K, Kimura H, Yamauchi K, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H, Tomita K, Kishimoto H, Hasegawa A**, Bouvet M, and Hoffman R M. Comparion of cancer cell seeding, viability and deformation in the lung, muscle and liver, visualized by subcellular real-time imaging in the live mouse.
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Menju T, Hashimoto S**, Hashimoto A, Otsuka Y, Handa H, Ogawa E, Toda Y, Wada H, Date H, Sabe H. Engagement of overexpressed Her2 with GEP100 induces autonomous invasive activities and provides a biomarker for metastases of lung adenocarcinoma.
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Hashimoto A, Hashimoto S**, Ando R, Noda K, Ogawa E, Kotani H, Hirose M, Menju T, Morishige M, Manabe T, Toda Y, Ishida S, Sabe H. GEP100-Arf6-AMAP1-cortactin pathway frequently used in cancer invasion is activated by VEGFR2 to promote angiogenesis.
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Suga H, Kadoshima T, Minaguchi M, Ohgushi M, Soen M, Nakano T, TAkata N, Wataya T, Muguruma K**, Miyoshi H, Yonemura S**, Oiso Y, and Sasai Y. Self-formation of functional adenohypophysis in three-dimensional culture.
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Shibata Y, Uchida M, Takeshita H, Nishiwaki K**, and Sawa H. Multiple functions of PBRM-1/Polybromo- and LET-526/Osa-containing chromatin remodeling complexes in C. elegans development.
Dev Biol., 361, 349-357 (2011).

Katagiri K**, Ueda Y, Tomiyama T, Yasuda K, Toda Y, Ikehara S, Nakayama KI, Kinashi T**. Deficiency of Rap1-binding protein RAPL causes lymphoproliferative disorders through mislocalization of p27kip1.
Immunity. 34, 24-38 (2011).

Nakamuta S, Funahashi Y, Namba T, Arimura N, Picciotto M R, Tokumitsu H, Soderling T R, Sakakibara A*, Miyata T**, Kamiguchi H, and Kaibuchi K. Local Application of Neurotrophins Specifies Axons Through Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate, Calcium, and Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein kinases.
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Noguchi T, Koizumi M, and Hayashi S**. Sustained elongation of sperm tail promoted by local remodeling of giant mitochondria in Drosophila.
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Kamino K, Fujimoto K and Sawai S**. Collective oscillations in developing cells: Insights from simple systems.
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Tajiri R, Misaki K, Yonemura S**, and Hayashi S**. Joint morphology in the insect leg: evolutionary history inferred from Notch loss-of-function phenotypes in Drosophila.
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Uyeda Q.P.T, Iwadate Y**, Umeki N, Nagasaki A and Yumura S. Stretching actin filaments within cells enhances their affinity for the myosin II motor domain.
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Arima S$, Nishiyama K$#**, Ko T, Arima Y, Hakozaki Y, Sugihara K, Koseki H, Uchijima Y, Kurihara Y, and Kurihara H. ($the authors contributed equally to this work, #corresponding author). Angiogenic morphogenesis driven by dynamic and heterogeneous collective endothelial cell movement.
Development 138, 4763-4776 (2011).

Nukazuka A, Tamaki S, Matsumoto K, Oda Y, Fujisawa H and Takagi S**. A shift of the TOR adaptor from Rictor towards Raptor by semaphorin in C.elegans.
Nature Communications. (2011 Sep 27.) Volume:2, Article number:484 DOI:doi:10.1038/ncomms 1495.

Nishikimi M, Oishi K, Tabata H*, Torii K, and Nakajima k**. Segregation and pathfinding of callosal axons through EphA3 signaling.
J. Neurosci., 31, 16251-16260 (2011).

Yonemura S**. Cadherin-actin interactions at adherens junctions.
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Yonemura S**. A mechanism of mechanotransduction at the cell-cell interface: Emergence of α-catenin as the center of a force-balancing mechanism for morphogenesis in multicellular organisms.
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Wada K, Itoga K, Okano T, Yonemura S**, Sasaki H. Hippo pathway regulation by cell morphology and stress fibers.
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Tanaka D.H*, Toriumi K, Kubo K, Nabeshima T, and Nakajima K**. GABAergic precursor transplantation into the prefrontal cortex prevents phencyclidine-induced cognitive deficits.
J. Neurosci., 31, 14116-14125 (2011).

EMBO J., 30, 2325-2335 (2011).

Tanaka-Okamoto M, Hori K, Ishizaki H, Itoh Y, Onishi S, Yonemura S**, Takai Y, and Miyoshi J. Involvement of afadin in barrier function and homeostasis of mouse intestinal epithelia.
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Molecular Biology of the Cell, 22, 3541-3549 (2011).

Oshima M, Mizuno M, Imamura A, Ogawa M, Yasukawa M, Yamazaki H, Morita R, Ikeda E, Nakao K, Takano-Yamamoto T, Kasugai S, Saito M, Tsuji T **. Functional Tooth Regeneration Using a Bioengineered Tooth Unit as a Mature Organ Replacement Regenerative Therapy.
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Kim H-S, Murakami R, Quintin S, Mori M, Ohkura K, Tamai K, Labouesse M, Sakamoto H, and Nishiwaki K**. VAB-10 spectraplakin acts in cell and nuclear migration in Caenorhabditis elegans.
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Hirano Y, Hatano T, Takahashi A, Toriyama M, Inagaki N** and Hakoshima T. Structural basis of cargo recognition by the myosin-X MyTH4-FERM domain.
EMBO J 30, 2734–2747 (2011).

Inagaki N**, Toriyama M and Sakumura Y. Systems biology of symmetry-breaking during neuronal polarity formation.
Dev. Neurobiol., 71, 584-593 (2011).

Matsui T#**, Thitamadee S, Murata T, Kakinuma H, Nabetani T, Hirabayashi Y, Hirate Y, Okamoto H, and Bessho Y (2011) Canopy1, a positive feedback regulator of FGF signaling, controls progenitor cell clustering during Kupffer's vesicle organogenesis (#Corresponding author)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108: 9881-9886 (2011).

Sekine K, Tabata H*, and Nakajima K**. Cell polarity and initiation of migration (Chapter 24).
Developmental Neuroscience: A Comprehensive Reference, Elsevier.
Sekine K, Honda T, Kawauchi T, Kubo K and Nakajima K**. The outermost region of the developing cortical plate is crucial for both the switch of the radial migration mode and the Dab1-dependent “inside-out” lamination in the neocortex.
J. Neurosci., 31 (25), 9426-9439 (2011).

Tomita K, Kubo K, Ishii K and Nakajima K**. Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (Disc1) is necessary for migration of the pyramidal neurons during mouse hippocampal development.
Hum. Mol. Genet.,20 (14), 2834-2845 (2011).

(K. Tomita and K. Kubo are co-first authors)
Ihara S**, Hagedorn E. J, Morrissey M. A, Chi Q, Motegi F, Kramer J. M, and Sherwood D. R. Basement membrane sliding and targeted adhesion remodels tissue boundaries during uterine-vulval Attachment in C.elegans.
Nature Cell Biology 13, 641-651 (2011).

Ajioka I**, Ichinose S, Nakajima K**, and Mizusawa H. Basement Membrane-like Matrix Sponge for the Three-dimensional Proliferation Culture of Differentiated Retinal Horizontal Interneurons.
Biomaterials, 32, 5765-5772 (2011).

Tamura Y, Matsumura K, Sano M, Tabata H*, Kimura K, Ieda M, Ara Ti, Ohno Y, Kanazawa H, Yuasa S, Kaneda R, Makino S, Nakajima K**, Okano H, and Fukuda K. Neural crest-derived stem cells migrate and differentiate into cardiomyocytes after myocardial infarction.
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 31 , 582-589 (2011).

Otani T, Oshima K, Onishi S, Takeda M, Shinmyozu K, Yonemura S**, and Hayashi S**.
IKKε regulates cell elongation through recycling endosome shuttling.
Dev. Cell 20, 219-232 (2011).

Tanaka D. H*, Oiwa R, Sasaki E, and Nakajima K**. Changes in cortical interneuron migration contribute to the evolution of the neocortex.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108 (19), 8015-8020 (2011).

Ishizuka K, Kamiya A, Oh E. C, Kanki H, Seshadri S, Robinson J. F, Murdoch H, Dunlop A. J, Kubo K, Furukori K, Huang B, Zeledon M, Hayashi-Takagi A, Okano H, Nakajima K**, Houslay M. D, Katsanis N, and Sawa A. DISC1-dependent switch from progenitor proliferation to migration in the developing cortex.
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Yip YP, Zhou G, Kubo K, Nakajima K**, and Yip JW. Reelin inhibits migration of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord of the chick.
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Shikanai M, Nakajima K**, and Kawauchi T. N-Cadherin regulates radial glial fiber-dependent migration of cortical locomoting neurons.
Communicative & Integrative Biology, 4 (2), 326-330 (2011).

Honda T, Kobayashi K, Mikoshiba K and Nakajima K**. Regulation of cortical neuron migration by the Reelin signalin pathway.
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Takemoto M, Hattori Y, Zhao H, Sato H, Tamada A**, Sasaki S,Nakajima K** and Yamamoto N. Laminar and areal expression of Unc5d and its role in cortical cell survival.
Cereb. Cortex 21 (8), 1925-1934 (2011).
Sawamoto K, Hirota Y, Alfaro-Cervello C, Soriano-Navarro M, He X, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Yamada M, Hikishima K, Tabata H*, Iwanami A, Nakajima K**, Toyama Y, Itoh T, Alvarez-Buylla A, Garcia-Verdugo JM and Okano, H. Cellular composition and organization of the subventricular zone and rostral migratory stream in the adult and neonatal common marmoset brain.
J. Comp. Neurol. 519 (4), 690-713 (2011).
(Sawamoto K, Hirota Y, Alfaro-Cervello C and Soriano-Navarro M contributed
equally to this work)
Miyata T**, Ono Y, Okamoto M,
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Neural Development Vol.5, AN.23 (1 September 2010).
Ogawa H, Shionyu M, Sugiura N, Hatano S, Nagai N, Kubota Y, Nishiwaki K**, Sato T, Gotoh M, Narimatsu H, Shimizu K, Kimata K and Watanabe H. Chondroitin
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J Biol Chem. 285, 34155-34167 (2010).
Kubo K, Tomita K, Uto A, Kuroda K, Seshadri S, Cohen J S, Kaibuchi K, Kamiya
A and Nakajima K**. Migration defects by DISC1 knockdown in C57BL/6, 129X1/SvJ, and ICR strains
via in utero gene transfer and virus-mediated RNAi.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 400, 631-637 (2010).
(K. Kubo and K. Tomita are co-first authors).
Kubo K, Honda T, Tomita K, Sekine K, Ishii K, Uto A, Kobayashi K, Tabata H* and Nakajima K**. Ectopic Reelin Induces Neuronal Aggregation with a Normal Birthdate-Dependent
“Inside-Out” Alignment in the Developing Neocortex.
The Journal of Neuroscience 30, 10953-10966 (2010).
Arai Y, Shibata T, Matsuoka S, Sato MJ, Yanagida T and Ueda M**. Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids signaling system
for random cell migration.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107, 12399-12404 (2010).