尾崎幸洋教授の退職記念して,ICAMS会議との合同の記念パーティーを開催いたします。記念パーティのみ参加の皆様は,事前申し込みが必要です。お早めにお申し込みください。こちらの参加申し込みフォーム でお申し込みください。
日時:2018年7月1日 15:30ー18:30
場所:関西学院会館 レセプションホール
振り込み先:みなと銀行 甲東園支店 ICAMS Chair(アイカムスチェアー) 佐藤英俊 普通 口座番号 1726970
Celebrating Party for Retirement of Professor Yukihiro Ozaki
A party celebrating retirement of Professor Yukihiro Ozaki is held in collaboration with ICAMS to reward for his long and sincere dedication in education and science. If you are NOT a ICAMS attendee, please fill up the registration card and send to us. The fee must be sent via the bank transaction. The deadlines for earlybird registration is 30 Apr. Credit cards are not accepted. (Tentative price is shown.)
Date and time:15:30ー18:30 on 1 July, 2018,
Venue:Reception hall in Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan
Registration open:15:00
Registration fees: \6,000 (Early bird by 10 May); \8,000 (Later than 11
Account name:ICAMS Chair Hidetoshi SatoBank name:Minato Bank (0562)Branch: Kotoen Branch(154)Account number: 1726970 (Ordinary account; 普通)