関西学院大学 生命環境学部 生命医科学科
理工学部 生命医化学科
Murase S, Sakitani N, Maekawa T, ..., Yoshino K (22nd), ..., Sawada Y.
Interstitial-fluid shear stresses induced by vertically oscillating head
motion lower blood pressure in hypertensive rats and humans. Nature Biomededical
Engineering (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01061-x
Chairina G, Yoshino K, Kiyono K, Watanabe E. Ischemic Stroke Risk Assessment
by Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Patients with
Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Entropy 23(7): 918 (2021)
Yoshino K, Inomoto S, Iyama A, Sakoda S. Dynamic sleep stage
transition process analysis in patients with Parkinson’s disease having sleep
apnea syndrome. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25:100656 (2021)
Yoshino K, Kawaguchi A, Yata S, Iyama A, Sakoda S. Analysis of heart
rate response to obstructive apnea/hypopnea events in patients with Parkinson's
disease with relatively severe sleep apnea syndrome. Informatics in Medicine
Unlocked 23:100554 (2021)
Sugimoto Y, Kiyono K, Yoshino K, Analysis of the relationship between amplitude modulation of low frequency heart
rate variability and blood pressure variability. Advanced Biomedical Engineering Vol.8 p.78-84 (2019)
Umeno A, Fukui T, Hashimoto Y, Kataoka M, Hagihara Y, Nagai H, Horie M,
Shichiri M, Yoshino K, Yoshida Y, Early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes based
on multiple biomarkers and non-invasive indices. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
and Nutrition Vol. 62(2) p.187-194 (2018)
Matsuoka R, Yoshino K, Watanabe E, Kiyono K, Association between Multiscale Entropy
Characteristics of Heart Rate Variability and Ischemic Stroke Risk in Patients
with Permanent Atrial Fibrillation. Entropy 19(2): 672 (2017)
Umeno A, Yoshino K, Hashimoto Y, Shichiri M, Kataoka M, Yoshida Y, Multi-Biomarkers
for Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes, Including 10- and 12-(Z,E)-Hydroxyoctadecadienoic Acids, Insulin, Leptin, and Adiponectin. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0130971 (2015)
Yoshino K, Umeno A, Shichiri M, Watanabe H, Ishida N, Kojima M, Iwaki
S, Hagihara Y, Nakamura M, Yoshida Y. Biomarkers for the evaluation of
immunological properties during the shikoku walking pilgrimage. J Biol
Regul Homeost Agents. Vol.29-1 p.51-62 (2015)
Yoshino K, Kimura N, Iyama A, Sakoda S, Automatic quantification of muscular
activity in REM sleep stage. Advanced Biomedical Engineering Vol.4 p.7-11 (2015)