RIMS workshop : Theory of Biomathematics and its Applications XIV
Modelling and Analysis for Structured Population Dynamics and its Applications
November 8 (Wed) -- November 10 (Fri), 2017
Maskawa Hall, North Comprehensive Education and Research Bldg., Kyoto University
(Bldg. indicated by #13 )
Notice : This year, the venue is not the RIMS.
Purpose of the workshop
- RIMS Workshop on Theory of Biomathematics and its Applications is annually held at Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University. It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this workshop. The primary goal of this workshop will provide an opportunity for a wide range of mathematical biologists to meet and discuss their researches.
- The scope of the workshop includes theory and application related to biological sciences such as ecology, epidemiology, but not limited to.
- In this workshop, we are going to focus on the mathematical issues on structured population dynamics as the main topic.
Invited Speakers
Prof. V. Andreasen (Roskilde University, Denmark),
Prof. D. Greenhalgh (University of Strathclyde, UK),
Prof. H. Inaba (University of Tokyo),
The organizer of the mini-symposum: Dr. T. Kuniya (Kobe University)
Sep. 3rd(Sun.):Contributerd talk proposals
Oct. 3rd(Tue.):Submission of abstracts
Registration of your presentation (deadline: Sep. 3rd)
Please register the presentation by sending the e-mail to shoji[a]kwansei.ac.jp. The registration form is below. The deadline of registration of your presentation is Sep. 3 (Sun.). The abstract of your presentation should be submitted as a PDF file by Oct. 3 (Tue.). Template is here.
Registration form
Please complete all fields marked with " * ".
- * Name :
- * Affiliation/Institute :
- * Mail Address :
- Telephone number (available during daytime) :
- *Title of presentation :
- *Authors :
- *Authors' affilations :
Those who wish for travel expenses should inform H. Shoji by e-mail (shoj[a]kwansei.ac.jp).
Those who wish for travel expenses should inform H.Shoji by e-mail.
- People planning to participate in this workshop are strongly recommended
to make hotel reservations far in advance, because November is the best seasons for visiting Kyoto.
November 9th(Thu.):17:30-19:30 Restrant Camphora (Bldg. indicated by #2 )
Organizing Committee
Hiroto Shoji(Kwansei Gakuin University)
Toshikazu Kuniya (Kobe University)
Contact : Hiroto Shoji (e-mail : shoji[a]kwansei.ac.jp)
RIMS workshop : Theory of Biomathematics and its Applications XIII