
  1. Quadratic binomial ideals with no quadratic Groebner bases
  2. Groebner bases and triangulations of convex polytopes
  3. Toric ideals of root systems
  4. Toric ideals of root systems
  5. Groebner bases of certain zero-dimensional ideals arising in coding theory
  6. Groebner bases of toric ideals arising from root systems
  7. Universal Groebner bases of certain 0-dimensional lattice ideals
  8. Prestable ideals and Sagbi bases
  9. Groebner bases of toric ideals
  10. Smooth edge polytopes
  11. 連続講演
  12. Simple Polytopes Arising from Finite Graphs
  13. Toric ideals of nested configurations
  14. Edge polytopes and some examples
  15. Toric rings and ideals of nested configurations arising in algebraic statistics
  16. The normality of cut polytopes
  17. Cut ideals and their application to regular designs in statistics
  18. Toric rings and ideals of cut polytopes of graphs
  19. Ehrhart series of fractional stable set polytopes
