Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Kyoto University
2006 International Research Project

Theoretical Effectivity and Practical Effectivity of
Gröbner Bases

April 1, 2006 -- March 31, 2007


Takayuki Hibi (Osaka University)
Toshinori Oaku (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Hidefumi Ohsugi (Rikkyo University)
Kyoji Saito (RIMS, Kyoto University)
Akimichi Takemura (University of Tokyo)
Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Rikkyo University)

A special issue of the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
``Theoretical Effectivity and Practical Effectivity of Gröbner Bases''
Guest Editors: Takayuki Hibi and Rekha Thomas
will be published.


Computational Algebraic Analysis and Related Topics
Organized by Toshinori Oaku
June 6 -- June 8, 2006
RIMS 115 Lecture Room

It was since 1990s that Groebner bases have been applied essentially to the D-module theory. Algorithms for computing fundamental invariants, such as the characteristic variety, the restriction, and the b-function of a D-module have been established. They have also been applied both theoretically and experimentally to concrete examples such as hypergeometric systems of partial differential equations. Since Japanese researchers have made major contributions to such studies, this meeting will provide a good opportunity for those interested in this area to work together aiming at finding clues to new developments.

[2] KIAS-RIMS joint workshop on
Computer Algebra
--Efficient Computation of Gröbner Bases and Mathematical Algorithms Based on It--

Organized by Kazuhiro Yokoyama
July 31 -- August 4, 2006
RIMS 115 Lecture Room

Recently, computation of Gröbner bases is widely used for various areas of mathematics as a fundamental computation. The workshop provides an opportunity to learn of new developments and to discuss future direction in efficient computation of Gröbner bases and its application to mathematical problems both in theory (complexity analysis) and practice (computational experience).

Gröbner Bases
Organized by Takayuki Hibi
August 28 -- September 1, 2006
RIMS 420 Lecture Room

This summer school will be aimed at beginning graduate students, and is devoted to all aspects of Gröbner bases.

Development of Computational Algebraic Statistics
Organized by Akimichi Takemura
November 6 -- November 10, 2006
RIMS 420 Lecture Room

Recently there is a great interest in algebraic computations in statistics and other areas of applied mathematics. This is because of the effectivity of algebraic methods in actually solving problems which possess discrete and combinatorial structures. In this workshop we discuss various problems and their solutions by algebraic methods in statistics and other area of applied mathematics.

Computational Commutative Algebra and Computational Algebraic Geometry
Organized by Takayuki Hibi (Osaka University)
January 15 -- January 19, 2007
RIMS 420 Lecture Room

Computational commutative algebra together with computational algebraic geometry is the research area where the theoretical effectivity of Gröbner bases can be greatly enjoyable. Topics discussed in this workshop will include toric ideals, Hilbert functions, Castelnuovo--Mumford regularity, minimal free resolutions, SAGBI bases, Markov bases, generic initial ideals, and algebraic shifting.

[6] RIMS International Conference on
Theoretical Effectivity and Practical Effectivity of Gröbner Bases
January 22 -- January 26, 2007
RIMS 420 Lecture Room

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Last modified: 2007.1