申請者氏名 |
Requested Supervising Professor |
若林 克法 |
研究題目 |
Title of the project |
量子マテリアルの電子物性と機能に関する理論 |
studies on electronic and optical properties of quantum materials |
博士研究員への要望・専門、経験等 |
Qualifications for Postdoctoral Fellow including academic and non-academic background, research fields and interests |
博士の学位を有すること。物性理論、計算物理が専門であれば、過去の研究領域は問わない。 |
successful applicant should hold a Ph.D in Physics,
Materials Science or Computational Physics, and have a good knowledge both of
theoretical solid state physics and computational method. We are looking for
a highly motivated candidate, able to work in a dynamic environment and to
contribute his/her own ideas to the group. A strong interaction with
experimental groups is anticipated. |
研究計画 |
Details on research project |
グラフェンや遷移金属ダイカルコゲナイド系物質を含む、広い意味でのトポロジカル材料や量子マテリアルにおける新奇量子物理現象の解明と機能設計を、理論数値計算の手法によって行う。当グループの詳細は、Web page[http://www.kg-nanotech.jp/tmd/]を参照のこと。 |
group is currently working on the project of theoretical aspects on
electronic, transport and optical properties of quantum materials and topological
materials including graphene and atomically-thin materials. Along this line,
the candidate is expected to carry his project to explore the emergent new
quantum phenomena in these systems using theoretical and computational
techniques. Please refer our web page [http://www.kg-nanotech.jp/tmd/en/] for
further details. |