Noriko Nagata

Major research activity

NorikoNagataIn our world of plenty, at a time when the quality of life (QOL) is being called into question, advances in science and technology are needed to enrich us mentally, bringing us joy or inspiration. It is important to create methods which analyze and enhance one’s feelings or values from the point of view of how intriguing visual media expression is, how comfortable living space is, or how convenient industrial products are, for instance.

In our laboratory, we study human kansei (sensibility) from various angles such as engineering, psychology, brain science and art. By focusing on the quantification and indexing of kansei, we research and develop methods to create objective measurements that are useful in the design or planning of more user-friendly products. The methods can also be applied to enhance the quality (reality or naturalness) of digital media such as computer graphics, animation, music, and multimedia. Through this approach, we aim to create a new social value called Kansei Value.

Major relevant publications

  1. Furuya, S., Nakamura, A., & Nagata, N. (2014). Acquisition of individuated finger movements through musical practice. Neuroscience, 06/2014; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.06.031
  2. Shiraiwa, A., Aiba, E., Shimotomai, T., Inome, H., & Nagata, N. (2013). An optimal text/background color combination of LED information boards for visibility improvement based on psychological measurements. Computational Color Imaging - CCIW2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7786, 119-132, Springer-Verlag.
  3. Aiba, E., Kazai, K., Shimotomai, T., Matsui, T., Tsuzaki, M., & Nagata, N. (2011). Accuracy of synchrony judgment and its relation to the auditory brainstem response: the difference between pianists and non-pianists. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 15(8), 962-971.
  4. Nagata, N., Iwai, D., Wake, S. H., & Inokuchi, S. (2005). Non-verbal Mapping between Sound and Color-Mapping Derived from Colored Hearing Synesthetes and Its Applications-. In F. Kishino et al. (Eds.), ICEC2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3711. 401-412, Springer-Verlag.
  5. Nagata, N., Dobashi, T., Manabe, Y., Usami, T., & Inokuchi, S. (1997). Modeling and Visualization for a Pearl-Quality Evaluation Simulator. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 3(4), 307-315.

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